How to Draw A Cute Dog: Step-by-Step Guide

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Draw A Cute Dog to unlock the Shiba drawing in your drawing skill set! In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll draw a super adorable and fun Shiba wearing a personal scarf—you will be his wardrobe artist, too. Undoubtedly, this will bring him the most joy this spring!

Bring out your best drawing supplies and join me for a cuteness session.

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With this lesson, you can soon learn how to draw a cute dog; come along as we explore the details about this cute fluffy dog!

What is the dog breed, Shiba?

Today’s drawing shows one of Japan’s famous breeds: the Shiba. The Shiba has a fox-like look and is a playful, small—to medium-sized dog.

What Is The Cute Shiba Shape?

A Shiba Inu’s unique features are its upright triangular ears and curled tail, frequently characterized as “furry and plume-like.” Their fluffy tail enhances their attractive appearance, black eyes gleaming with intelligence and curiosity. Together, these characteristics give Shiba Inus their incredibly adorable and distinctive shape.

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Key Note On Draw A Cute Dog-Shiba Inu:

  • Use Guide Lines: Visualize your pencil as a delicate embrace from the paper. Outline the guidelines lightly. This way, if you need to draw specific shapes, guidelines will help you accomplish that.
  • Allow to make mistakes: Mistakes happen, and that’s fine! Even the most talented artists create them. Drawing improves with practice and patience, much like raising a lovable pet. Don’t worry if your Cute Mushroom Cute Mushroom dog’s beak looks more like a banana. Please take a deep breath, smile, and give it another go. You’re capable of handling this.😄
  • Use the Reference Guide: Many artists use references to help them visualize the drawing. You may print it off and have it close at hand while drawing. 

Some Cute Shiba Items to Bring Joy To Dog Lovers

1. Cute Shiba Inu Dog Anatomy Funny Shiba Lovers Coffee Mug

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2. Cute Shiba socks

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3. Shiba Lovers Tote Bag

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Cute Dog Drawing Reference Guide:

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Materials Needed To Draw The Cute Dog:

I drew it on iPad Air and using an Apple pen. But you can use non-digital tools to draw your art.

Non-digital tools can be used:

  • Pencil: To sketch the outline of the penguin before adding the face and body details. 
  • Eraser
  • Paper: You can use any paper, but thicker paper is preferable to prevent smudging or tearing. 
  • Coloring tools: To add color to your artwork, use markers, colored pencils, or any other coloring tools you prefer. 
  • Download Draw Cute Dog-SHIBA Reference Guide: Our reference guide will help you draw more accurately and better understand what you want your artwork to look like. With these materials, you can create unique and cute Penguin artwork. Happy drawing!

How To Draw Cute Dog? Step By Step:

  1. Start with a cross

Use a pencil to draw a cross in the middle.

*hint: slightly tilted to the right side

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  1. Outline Shiba’s face.

Draw an oval-shaped face, and erase the line at the ears’ and neck areas.

*hint: draw the bottom part of the oval shape slightly larger than the top part

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  1. Add the triangular ears.

Draw a triangular ear on the top of the head. One ear should point toward the left and the other toward the right side.

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  1.  Add the facial expression.

In the middle of the face, draw a three “∩” as a ruffle line, then draw two ovals as the dog’s eyes, add a larger oval shape in the middle as the dog’s nose, and add a “3” shape as the dog’s mouth.

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  1. Add two hands and the body.

He 5seYLADtWiLugUvVtOUDwp u8z77TTFZmmvj45GUNGkNkWDM7M1qb38m5SR2u3MeghG6fN9QbVHG96gKQzHzWlZD9I0T87Dh wjWDbKHdXw1n u3m2 oW3kEKCc3TIe3iZwl gw3UG8Vfu4UhGE0

  1. Add the back and the feet.
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  1. Draw the neck scarf and the curly tail.

*Hint: The neck scarf is an upside-down triangle shape, but you can be creative and make it any shape you want.

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  1. Add the eyebrow and inner ears.
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  1. Clear up all pencil draft drawings.

Use a marker or a permanent pen to re-trace the drawing, then use the eraser to clean up the entire drawing.

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  1. Add the coloring

It is time to bring your cute shiba to life by coloring him.

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Congratulations, you’ve just learned how to draw a cute dog! With a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to create your own unique cute dog artwork.

Want To Download This Cut Dog as a Coloring Page?

You can download this Cut Dog coloring page by clicking the download button.

cute dog coloring page
cute dog coloring page

What Are Other Craft Ideas?

There are other coloring pages you may enjoy, too, 25+ Free Easter Coloring Pages Printable for Kids and Adults, and this is the perfect idea for a bunny easter day activity. 

If you like to read books, check out our Space-Themed Bookmarks to add to your book collection!

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